

e-PointENERGY is a comprehensive and efficient system for monitoring and managing energy consumption according to designated diagrams and for determining the flow of energy and the energy efficiency of production and technologies. It ensures a fast return on investment and high utility value, respecting the needs of the customer during the expansion or renewal of both producing and non-producing companies. It respects both the legislation and customer needs for established energy management according to ISO 50001 and has ongoing innovation processes.

Main features


  1. Synergy of the regulation and monitoring of tasks for energy consumption according to designated consumption diagrams with remote readings of end customers’ energy consumption and the balance of purchase, production, distribution, losses or sales.
  2. Secondary energy consumption (substitute for routine activities), operating values ​​(temperature, pressure, binary states of technologies, local automatics and controllers), control tasks for simple automation.
  3. Supply, installation and servicing of energy meters (electricity, natural gas, water, heating and cooling, compressed air) including communication.
  4. Increasing the reliability of supply, finding the causes of outages during the event in electricity distribution networks.

Web site with integrated GSM data service for data transfer and archiving, and data vizualization from energy meters

e-PointENERGY in points

Legend: EE - electricity, NG - natural gas, Air - compressed air, W - water, Q - heating/cooling